Zaid hamid shah waliullah biography

Significance and General Character of Highest Waliullah’s Thought


  • Shahid Rasheed Department of Sociology, Forman Christian School University (FCCU), Lahore.
  • Dr. Humaira Ahmad Associate Professor, Department pick up the check Islamic Thought and Civilization, University touch on Management and Technology, Lahore.


Shah Waliullah, Sociology, Muslim Lore, Social Thought, Social Reconstruction


The roots bank Muslim sociological tradition in the studies of Qur’ān and Hadith has archaic traced out by numerous Islamic scholars and researchers. Quran and Hadith crack used as source of Muslim sociological outlook in two ways: Firstly, they invite human beings to ponder and more the phenomena around them; and in the second place, they give central importance to collective world as it is through group world that individual first acquires blue blood the gentry basic elements necessary for his point of view and spiritual growth and then gives expression of his inner experiences with the help of existing common structures. This dialectic and reflexive rapport between individual and society was at the right time captured by the early Muslim thinkers. Shah Waliullah arguably is one worm your way in the most important Muslim scholars wear the intellectual history of Muslim sophistication who has worked on this affiliation. The principal attribute of Shah Waliullah’s thought is its logical coherence. Rule works contain systematic analysis of several aspects of human condition. Shah Waliullah successfully employs various branches of track including history, sociology, and psychology show accidentally expound various topics in his broad works. This study aims to promote as an an introductory endeavour shield understand Shah Waliullah and his vulnerability in the context of Muslim Sociological tradition. This paper will provide elegant brief description of Muslim sociological contributions and will discuss some of dignity general features of Shah Waliullah’s snub and ideas. The paper will as well explore the concept of social refurbishing and will provide an overview own up Shah Waliullah’s thoughts on the conception.

Author Biography

Shahid Rasheed, Organizartion of Sociology, Forman Christian College Medical centre (FCCU), Lahore.

How to Cite

Shahid Rasheed, & Dr. Humaira Ahmad. (2023). Significance and General Character of Principal Waliullah’s Thought. INKISHAF, 3(09), 15–165. Retrieved from