Obituary of johnny culpepper bundy
Johnnie Culpepper Bundy (1921 - 2007)
Son of [father unknown] and [mother unknown]
[sibling(s) unknown]
Husband of Eleanor Louise (Cowell) Nelson — married 1951 [location unknown]
[children unknown]
Profile remaining modified | Created 29 Aug 2014
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He was working as copperplate hospital cook when he attended upshot adult singles night at the Head Methodist Church in Tacoma, Washington whither he met Louise Cowell (daughter longawaited Eleanor Longstreet and Samuel Cowell). They married on 19 May 1951 at an earlier time he formally adopted her illegitimate individual Ted Robert Cowell. They had 4 more children.
Birth record and poll show father to be Charles Poet Bundy (1887-1934).
- "North Carolina, Department of Archives and Wildlife, Index to Vital Records, 1800-2000," (, Chas H. Bundy in entry broach John Culpepper Bundy, 1921; citing Onset, Elm City, Wilson, North Carolina, Concerted States, North Carolina State Archives, Portion of Archives and History, Raleigh; FHL microfilm 102471823.
- "United States Poll, 1930," (, Johnnie C Bundy tag household of Charlie H Bundy, Southerly Mills, Camden, North Carolina, United States; citing enumeration district (ED) ED 5, sheet 12A, line 22, family 215, NARA microfilm publication T626 (Washington D.C.: National Archives and Records Administration, 2002), roll 1679; FHL microfilm 2,341,413.
- "Washington Death Index, 1965-2014," (, Johnnie C Bundy, 17 May 2007, Jab, Washington, United States; from the Offshoot of Health, Death Index, 1907-1960; 1965-2014, Washington State Archives, Digital Archives ( : n.d.); Citing Washington State Department pass judgment on Health.
- "United States Census, 1940," (, Johnnie Bundy in household order Christine Robertson, Court House Township, City, North Carolina, United States; citing narration district (ED) 15-1, sheet 16A, parameter 16, family 271, Sixteenth Census be more or less the United States, 1940, NARA digital publication T627. Records of the Organizartion of the Census, 1790 - 2007, RG 29. Washington, D.C.: National Annals and Records Administration, 2012, roll 2884.
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